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Guilty Gear XX Slash is released!
Some of those who made pre-orders already enjoy the new GG game... others have to wait for a few days more. Stay tuned!

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
11 April 2006, 0000 (GMT +3).

Yet another comeback

After another news gap, change of our hoster and more site script tweaking we're back in black. Today's news:
Another GG release - Guilty Gear Club - appears to be a port of original Guilty Gear for DoCoMo mobile phones. It features an arcade mini-game and and new insect character right from GG Judgement Boost Mode.
Finally added some official wallpapers to a Gallery section "Misc".
Video Links are updates with highly-exclusive link base right from rtl42, da video-man himself. Thanks, rtl42!
Videos from FWI2005, a top-level russian GG tourney that we ran in the end of February, uploaded to our friends st
See you soon and good luck!

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
06 April 2006, 0200 (GMT +3).

Updates List

Ok, let's check what is new here:
Latest Dramas (Night of Knives vol 1,2,3) and new 8-CD boxset were added to Releases list. The list of GG books was replenished by Guilty Gear XX Slash Beat Encyclopedia and a new dojinshi compilation named Guilty Gear XX Slash Comic Anthology (by DNA Media comics) - thanks to Tenj|n for the info. Many updates in Game Releases, pay attention to DS and PSP games... and, of course, to PS2 release of GGXX Slash. To Do - bring back game discriptions; add drama's and boxset's tracklists; fill the Misc section with gashapons.
The GG World was mostly left unchanged. Fixed various typos here and there. To Do - fix links to OSTs in character's sessions.
Five new wallpapers in our Gallery by si_DE. To Do - add some official wallpapers (to Backgounds section, I guess), add some scans to Misc section.
In Downloads there is an English path for GG Isuka PC config program (props to d0tZer0), complete GGI OST in loseless FLAC container, and 9 battles between .A. (Slayer) and Llanowar (Baiken). To Do - add some midi's, start releasing GG Original OST and many, many videos.
The next news artile will be about GGXX Slash, I guess.
See ya!

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
10 February 2006, 0100 (GMT +3). ver.3

Hi again!
This is the third version of project. What's new? All sections were re-worked and updated, the site engine was written from scratch, and - the most obvious one - new optimistic design, created by our friend Spaceman. We hope you'll like it :=)
In next few days I'll make a big article covering everything we missed since last update. Hovewer, most sections are already filled with new stuff, all new releases are here, the Gallery was updated with new art, some bonuses were added to downloads... So take a look around, examine new design, and should you encounter a bug or would like to say anything to us - mail at biologin [at]
Thanks to everybody who waited for this moment and mailed us with questions about state :=)

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
01 February 2006, 0000 (GMT +3).


After a two-month break we should greet you at the very least, so - Greetings, our dear readers. We hope you haven't forgot us after all.
Well, without futher ado I would like to say that today is the day when Guilty Gear XX Slash strike on japanese arcades. As for now, there are tons of info about GGXXS, mostly originating from japanese players' impressions and from four-page article about Slash from the latest issue of Arcadia magazine. You can find summary of all changes in this thread. Mind you, that most of this changes are NOT final and are subject to change.

Meanwhile I should explain where does the above-given link leads. The case is that Ben 'tragic' Cureton, who is founder and thus a father to GG internet community, grew very tired of trash-talk abuse at forums, and decided to start from scratch once again, opening new site devoted to Guilty Gear XX Slash and named in memory of Sol's dustloop (which has gone with GGXX#Reload). forums are closed for all new posts now, but you still can read all threads, so hurry up and save everything you need from this vault of GG knowledge.

And now some more releases talks. Besides aforementioned GGXX SAlsh release, there are GG Dust Strikers for Nintendo DS, GG Judgement and... GGXX#Reload for PSP. We already told you about first and second titles, and the last one is obviously a remake of GGXX#R for PSP, which is a good surprise indeed.
Another interesting release to mention is a 8-disc set of GG music. There are eigth tracks from each GG album already published, plus 2 new tracks from GGXXS, plus heavy-metal remixes of original GG themes. The set costs about $150, but nevertheless is a very good present for every GG music fan.

And some internal news. There are many additions in the Gallery. Once again special thanks to Nekich for saving GGI endings (free-from-text) from going to nothingness together with Megalomania project. Also we have some sprites of Fanny from GGX Petit (ripped by Mystic Fire). There is an english translation of my GG allusions FAQ avaible after all. Still unuploaded are new set of GG midis gathered by a person under "Unknown Unknown" nickname, an interesting project of 'Proglot', who re-composed some of our contents into beautiful .chm-file, and some intersting walpapers from si_DE..

Hope to hear you soon!

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
28 September 2005,0000 (GMT +3)

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